As the Government encourages Australians to take responsibility for and reach their financial retirement goals, citizens are repeatedly required to deal with superannuation funds. Self-managed superannuation is a means of saving for retirement. It enables you to control your investment strategy, reduce tax while obtaining tax benefits, and control administration costs.
Superannuation law is a delicate area and personalised planning is required for each individual. The team at Stubbs & Co are superannuation experts who can assist in establishing a superannuation fund that will effectively enable you to reach your financial retirement goals.
Services we offer include:
Physical Address
Level 26, 44 Market Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Find us on the map
Postal Address
Po Box Q284, Queen Victoria Building
NSW 1230, Australia
02 9299 1555
Fax. 02 9299 1055
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.